I am feeling great in case you were concerned. The first trimester was filled with breakfast burritos and wonton soup but no sickness. I may actually stick with the breakfast burritos and wonton soup for a while ... just to be sure : ) The baby is due sometime in May. I'm not getting hung up on a specific due date this time because, well, due dates are pretty ridiculous. May should be pretty accurate though. We are looking forward to finding out the sex of the baby next month and will share ultrasound pictures when someone offers to scan them for us. Don't all raise your hands at once!
As far as work is concerned, I am doing some contract PR & Marketing work for Children, Incorporated, an international non-profit based in Richmond. Right now I'm planning a fundraiser and developing collateral materials for them. And sometimes I'm doing crazy things like making spur-of-the-moment appearances on the local news. Lovely. But it's an amazing organization and I hope to continue to work with them in some capacity over the next few months.
Oops, gotta go rescue the noodle from her "gated community" ... I'll try to keep the updates coming!
Yipee! Congratulations for all the fun and exciting news on the way! A happy dance was performed in your honor. ;-). Hugs all the way around.
Triple yay for the Noodle family! So many blessings to celebrate!!!
Congrats, happy almost-birthday, and so glad to find you here!
Congrats on all the great things happening to you guys!! So happy for you all!! Can"t wait to hear what you are going to be having! :)
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