Two weeks ago, you brought out the big guns. Leaves! Leaves in one million amazing color combinations ... in my neck of the woods anyway. I'm not a religious person, but in one word I'd have to say it was glorious. And lucky me I live on an acre of (pre-foreclosure) wooded property that backs up to the James River. We don't see the river much, just in the winter and early spring. But this afternoon while the little noodle was napping I happened to glance out the window and there it was. River. Who is crazy enough to complain about a river view?! That would be me, the one that sure will miss the leaves that blocked its view.
Fall, you fell too fast. Don't worry though, you'll always be my favorite. Those other seasons don't hold a candle to you. But in this final fall that I'll live on the acre of wooded property in the gorgeous house that we can't afford, couldn't you have stuck around a little longer?

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